Ways to Manage Employee Performance

Posted on: February 14 2019, By : Shreya Laisetti
Ways to manage Employee Performance
Perhaps it goes without saying that an organization’s success is largely dependent on how well every employee performs. For this, firstly the company should firstly have right kind of employees. On the basis of company requirements and needs the organization can do manpower recruitment. In some cases company takes help of top hr consultant in India. Managing employee performance is one of the key drivers for organizational success in the present context of firms trying to adopt a resource centered view of the organizational. We have seen elsewhere that integrating HRM practices with those of organizational goals and strategy increases the competitive advantages for the firm. Similarly, managing employee performance within the larger framework of organizational goals is critical for organizations that count people among their key assets. As we have been mentioning throughout, firms in the service sector that lay a lot of emphasis on people need to ensure that employee performance is managed in a holistic manner.
Performance management goes much further and deeper than the traditional annual review. It involves regular communication between management and employees that is focused on job performance as well as direction and support for meeting or exceeding expectations. Employees who are given the tools they need to develop greater skills are more engaged and help your business achieve its goals. Done correctly, performance management can have a huge impact on departmental productivity and your organization’s overall success.
The HR department is key to efficient administration of the performance management system. Having an educated HR team (educational consultant) that is well-prepared to train the organization's managers and to assist them when issues arise is critical. To implement performance management in your organization, start by having managers set and monitor goals and tasks for each employee. Then follow-up with an evaluation of how well objectives are being met. Tips for doing so include:
Setting goals and policies (HR Policy Implementation) for the upcoming fiscal year.
Working with employees to develop realistic goals.
Limiting goals to what is truly achievable.
Reviewing employee performance every quarter and taking steps to address any underperformance areas.
Establishing communication channels that offer feedback, praise, and acknowledgment.
Awarding increased compensation when targeted goals are met.
Following are techniques for managing and improving employee performance:
Set clear expectations and communicate them well, then continue to manage expectations. Frequent communication is critical. Ensure employees understand their objectives by asking them to explain them in their own words.
Train (core hr training) managers and give them the tools to help their employees excel. Be on the lookout for managers who have underperforming teams—and see what the root cause is.
Utilize employee handbooks to keep everyone on the same page and help to ensure employees understanding of company policies.
Consistently follow the company’s employee discipline policy, and always discipline promptly if necessary. This step maintains consistent and fair treatment of employees so they see that they do not have to tolerate or pick up slack for poor performers. Perhaps counterintuitively, a consistently applied and fair disciplinary policy can keep morale up (assuming of course it is appropriate and not overreaching). A disciplinary policy does this by ensuring everyone is held accountable for their actions.
Conduct regular and timely employee performance appraisals so employees know where they stand and what their goals are.
Use SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. When employee goals are realistic, it gives them ownership and encourages them to achieve their goals.
Prioritize employee development. In other words, help them help you. You can do this by ensuring your employees know how to achieve their career goals within the organization and, likewise, ensuring that employee goals are known so you can both plan accordingly. Work with the employee to close any skills gaps that exist that would be an impediment to achieving their long-term career goals. This improves employee skills, which benefit both the employer and employee, and it also helps maintain and improve employee satisfaction levels.
Give frequent and timely feedback. When an employee does something worth recognizing, give him or her that recognition. If appropriate, consider giving a reward for employee service that exceeds expectations. It’s also important to ensure that when an employee steers slightly off course, he or she knows that too. Even negative feedback (as long as it’s not the only feedback!) helps because it ensures employees understand expectations.
Be open to receiving feedback too. Listen to employees when they ask for better tools. Listen to their needs to ensure they’re happy. Ensure each person is in the right role for his or her needs and skills.
Review company hiring procedures to ensure the best candidates are being selected. You can take help of manpower job placement consultants in India.
Conduct employee engagement surveys; poor performance can be a result of lack of engagement and low morale.
Focus on morale. Take steps to ensure that employees are satisfied with their jobs. Here are some ways:
Review benefits, work environment, salary levels, and more. Ensure the benefits offered are benefits that your employees value. Remember that employee benefits that help employees—even if they’re not high-value items—can improve morale.
Ensure employees understand the organization’s mission and vision; giving employees something to get behind can help them understand their purpose and role in helping the organization succeed.
Consider ways to improve team cohesiveness.
Ask employees what they need.
Ensure managers are being consistent in their application of company policies.  For example, ensure there’s no appearance of favoritism and no individuals or groups who do not have to follow the rules. Inconsistency can cause frustration, which can decrease productivity.
Give employees the right tools and processes to excel. Sometimes investing in a better tool or process can reap huge dividends in productivity and employee satisfaction.
Give employees the power to do their jobs well. Empowering employees is critical; it allows them to not get absorbed by minor roadblocks. Empowering employees can include ensuring they have the authority to make decisions critical to their success—and the ability to delegate if necessary to get the job done. Employees should know and have input into their goals and objectives, which will also give ownership—they should help to decide goals, deadlines, and more. Give them the resources they need, and hold them accountable without micromanaging. Encourage employees to find solutions to problems.
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