The agent’s role in the entire process is crucial and relevant in successfully carrying out the business. Even through the agent represents his principal in the business conduct; he plays an important role, as he is the one who has the power to affect the legal relationship between the principal and the third party. In the law of agency, the legal relationship between an agent and the principal is of utmost importance. A person cannot become an agent of another merely because they advise the other.  Any person acting on behalf of the other cannot be an agent for another until there is an implied or explicit agreement between them, leading to a legal relationship. An agent is authorized to act on behalf of his principal and create contractual obligations between the principal and a third party. The principal has authority to direct the agent as to what he has to do but he cannot direct how it is to be done. Best Recruitment Agency in Mumbai offers and accepts new proposals from the third party on behalf of his principal and thus new legal relations are created in the law of agency.

Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization.  It can also be defined as the “process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization”. Recruitment is concerned with reaching out, attracting, and ensuring a supply of qualified personnel and making out selection of requisite manpower both in their quantitative and qualitative aspect. Best Recruitment Agency in Mumbai is the development and maintenance of adequate man- power resources. This is the first stage of the process of selection and is completed with placement. The company will also end up wasting its resources if the wrong or unqualified person was actually hired. Not only will this create problems for the company in the long run, particularly in the attainment of its goals, but it would mean that the organization would also have wasted its resources in training an employee that is not right for the job after all.

When a company has a vacancy, it reaches out to a manpower agency. The manpower agency understands the vacancy, job description and the desired candidate profile to find the right people for the company. It works with its team of seasoned recruiters to source candidate’s portals and social media. For hourly employees, it’s typical for the employee to be hired and paid by the staffing agency, who is then paid an hourly rate by the employer. In some cases, like for large companies that do a high volume of hiring on a regular basis, the employment agency may be paid a retainer to consistently source and deliver a steady stream of talent. Throughout the candidate recruitment process, the manpower agency constantly communicates with the candidates as well as the companies to keep them updates. Best Recruitment Agency in Mumbai also assists with the final steps in the recruitment process such as negotiating job offers and finalizing the recruitment process.

Recruitment Agency is an effective route to source the best talent while saving time, recruit and other resources. We are one of the Best Recruitment Agency in Mumbai. We are the third party recruiters who analyze a business’s manpower needs and chart an ideal solution for finding best talent out of the large applicant pool. Our Recruitment Consultancy initiative emphasizes integrated consulting and outsourcing talents that are adaptable, and at the same time, flexible to your business needs. By leveraging the alliance between our technical training, consulting practices and HR outsourcing, we enable robust HR functions from talent sourcing and development to engagement and retention for clients across all business domains.