The objective of electricity act is to introduce competition, protect consumer’s interests and provide power for all and there are some top power & energy industry recruitment agency in Pune. The Act includes Rural Electrification, phased open access in distribution, National Electricity Policy, mandatory SERCs, Open access in transmission, mandatory metering license free generation and distribution, power trading and stringent penalties for theft of electricity as there are power & energy industry placement consultancy in Pune. The aim of the electricity act is to push the sector to enable the States and the Centre to move in harmony and coordination a trajectory of sound commercial growth. International Solar Alliance, a treaty-based international intergovernmental organization aims at mobilizing more than USD 1000 billion of investment needed by 2030 for the massive deployment of solar energy because power & energy industry recruitment consultancy in Pune. There is vast solar energy potential is endowed in Pune. Land area about 5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is incident with most parts receiving 4-7 kWh per sq. m per day. In Pune, solar also provides the ability to generate power on a distributed basis and enables rapid capacity addition with short lead times and there are power & energy industry manpower consultancy in Pune. The government agenda supports of sustainable growth, while, emerging as an integral part of the solution to meet the nation’s energy needs and an essential player for energy security.
India’s power sector is one of the most diversified in the world. The Country’s solar potential of about 748 GW that National Institute of Solar Energy has assessed assuming of the waste land area to be covered by Solar PV modules as there are top power & energy industry recruitment agency in Pune. National Solar Mission as one of the key Missions that the solar energy has taken a central place in India's National Action Plan on Climate Change. National Solar Mission (NSM) is a major initiative of the Government of India with active participation from States to promote ecological sustainable growth while addressing India’s energy security challenges. By the year 2022, the Mission targets installing 100 GW grid-connected solar power plants. Government of India have launched various schemes to encourage generation of solar power in the country like Solar Park Scheme. Pune achieved 5th global position in solar power deployment by surpassing Italy as there are best power & energy industry recruitment agency in Pune. The most critical component of infrastructure of power, welfare of nations and crucial for the economic growth. It is essential for sustained growth of the Indian economy that the existence and development of adequate infrastructure.

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